La unidad de la formación sacerdotal: Relación entre el período inicial y la formación permanente


  • Carmelo Giaquinta Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, Facultad de Teología


Priestly Formation, Presbiterorum Ordinis, Pastores davo vobis


Following the article published in 2009, Mgr. Carmelo Giaquinta offers a reflection on priestly formation in the light of the decree Presbiterorum Ordinis of Vatican II and the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Pastores dabo vobis. The themes treated this time are: Baptism, the unity of priestly formation, the Seminary as an educational community, the Seminary as a community in the Church, Holy Orders as a sacrament of communion and the molding of the Pastor as someone entirely devoted to God and his people. It concludes with a keen consideration of the seminarian as a “future presbyter”.


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How to Cite

Giaquinta, C. (2020). La unidad de la formación sacerdotal: Relación entre el período inicial y la formación permanente. Teología, 47(102), 25–71. Retrieved from