Older Women in Latin America. An Intersectional Analysis





Older People, Intersectionality, Ageism, Gender, Body


The number of older people in the world continues to rise. Within this population, the study of older women is an emerging field of research. From a gender perspective, the inequalities faced by older women in Latin America and the Caribbean are analyzed. The subordination of women in various indicators of quality of life is evidenced, resulting in a profound inequity in terms of health, well-being and access to the rights of older women. They face intersectional discrimination; in this sense, the concept of ageism, which encompasses stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination towards people based on their age, is addressed. The concept of intersectionality provides an enriching focus for theological ethics by addressing the understanding of the older subject from the perspective of the complexity and interconnectedness of human experiences. The text also explores the relationship between the female body and cultural and social exigencies, noting how historical discourses have shaped the perception of women's bodies. The problematic of the invisibility and hypervisibility of older women's bodies is highlighted, as well as the social and market demand to sustain a youthful body.


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Author Biography

Gabriela Di Renzo, Pontifica Universidad Católica Argentina. Argentina

La autora de esta contribución es Doctora en Teología y Doctora en Investigación Geron-tológica. Es además Psicóloga. Es miembro del Grupo de investigación: Teología hecha por mu-jeres. Es también profesora invitada e investigadora en la Universidad Católica de Córdoba y Docente en la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Católica de Santa Fe, sede Rosario.


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How to Cite

Di Renzo, G. (2024). Older Women in Latin America. An Intersectional Analysis. Teología, 61(145), 245–268. https://doi.org/10.46553/teo.61.145.2024.p245-268