Escritura y tradición Karl Rahner en el “primer conflicto doctrinal” del Vaticano II
Concilio Vaticano II, Dei Verbum, De fontibus revelationisResumo
The year 2012 marks 50 years since the start of the Second Vatican Council, inaugurated on October 11, 1962, by Pope John XXIII. The important role fulfilled by many theologians throughout the Council debates has been duly acknowledged. Among these theologians the figure of K. Rahner is outstand- ing. Rahner's main contribution was aimed at ecclesiological issues. Less known is his contribution to the discussions, initiated on October 1962, which would lead in 1965 to the approval of the Constitution Dei Verbum. After a brief introduction this article examines the report, against the preparatory Schema De fontibus revelationis, which Rahner prepared in November 1962. Secondly, it takes into consideration another text, the so- called “Schema Rahner - Ratzinger”, written around the same time and intended as an alternative text to the official version. Thirdly, the article high- lights key ideas from a 1963 conference by Rahner entitled “Scripture and Tradition”. Finally, an analysis of Dei Verbum n. 9 leads us to conclude that Rahner's biblical-systematic position was developed along the line of what was referred to as the Council majority.Downloads
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Schickendantz, C. (2020). Escritura y tradición Karl Rahner en el “primer conflicto doctrinal” del Vaticano II. Teología, 48(106), 347–366. Obtido de
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